
Long Melford Church of England Primary School

Include, Achieve, Care

Suffolk Children’s University

Our School is pleased to have become a member of the Suffolk Children’s University.


What is the Children’s University?  

CU is an enrichment programme which takes place outside of the school day:  it encourages 5 to 14 year olds to try new experiences; develop new interests and acquire new skills.


All children who decide to join the Children’s University have an individually numbered ‘Passport to Learning’ in which they record, through the collection of learning stamps, the number of hours of learning they have achieved through taking part in Children’s University learning activities.


Through participation in fun, high quality learning experiences CU aims to grow inquisitive, confident, independent children and learners.  It’s about enjoyment and a sense of achievement for all.  Our after school clubs and activities are one way the children can collect Learning Credits in their Passport to Learning


Celebrating achievement is important and children are working towards National Children’s University Awards which will be presented at a CU Graduation Ceremony.  These Awards Ceremonies will be held locally - the first one for the Suffolk Children's University will be held in June 2019 at Kentwell Hall.


CU Awards are presented for 30, 65 and 100 hours of out of school hours learning with  progressive steps leading up to 1,000 hours of learning at a CU Graduation, where dressed in Graduation Robes they will receive Certificates for their achievements, with guests invited.  


If your child wishes to join the Children’s University, please complete the membership form attached and return with payment of £5.00 to the school office.   During the summer, if you would like to join, email the completed application form to the School Office and you can pay in September.  


Further information on how to support your child with their involvement will be provided with the Passport to Learning.

To keep in touch and up-to-date with news from Suffolk Children’s University you may be interested to know that they have a Facebook page which can be found at and also a Twitter account


You will also find further information on their website which is currently shared with Essex Children’s University at


They also offer an email newsletter which gives updates on latest Children’s University Learning Destination news and access to CU Challenges.


You can subscribe through completion of the Membership Form.


Application Form

To join the Children's University, please complete the Application Form and email it to school

Suffolk Learning Destinations

To find a list of Suffolk Learning Destinations, please see below.

UK Learning Destinations

To find a list of Learning Destinations where ever you are in the UK, please see below.

Activity Ideas

To find a list of activities that will give you ideas of things that you can do to gain learning credits for your 30 Hour Award, see below.

Summer 2018 Challenges

To find a list of the 2018 Summer Challenge activities that you can do to gain learning credits for your 30 Hour Award. see below.
