
Long Melford Church of England Primary School

Include, Achieve, Care


Our Curriculum:


Our aim is to provide our children with an engaging, exciting and empowering curriculum that equips them for today and tomorrow.


At Long Melford Church of England Primary School the curriculum is designed to:

– recognise children’s prior learning,

– provide first hand learning experiences,

– allow the children to develop interpersonal skills,

– build resilience and become creative, critical thinkers.


Every child is recognised as a unique individual. We celebrate and welcome differences within our school community.  The ability to learn is underpinned by the teaching of basic skills, knowledge, concepts and values with a vision to prepare them for life beyond primary school. We constantly provide enrichment opportunities to engage learning. We believe that childhood should be a happy, investigative and enquiring time in our lives, where there are no limits to curiosity and there is a thirst for new experiences and knowledge.


Underpinning everything we do are our focus on vocabulary, BLP (Building Learning Power), our Christian and British Values, as well as life skills. Our aim is to ensure that our children have the resilience to overcome barriers, are equipped to be effective learners and have the social skills to be valuable and caring members of the community.


Our curriculum is driven by ‘Big Ideas’ rather than subject content.  By leading pupils to consider the context in which they will use their understanding, concept-based learning brings real world meaning to content, knowledge and skills.


Children leave Long Melford Church of England Primary School with a sense of belonging to a community where they have the confidence and skills to make decisions, self-evaluate, make connections and become lifelong learners.


Children who are being taught remotely, will receive broadly the same curriculum as those in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, where it is difficult to replicate the classroom teaching, adjustments will be made, e.g. PE and Computing.


Our Curriculum Vision for 2024/25

Working Curriculum:

Each term our children have a Topic.  The drivers for the topics are Geography and History and can be seen on the Curriculum Overview.


Our curriculum plans are informed by Substantive Knowledge, the knowledge that the children learn during lessons, and Disciplinary Knowledge, the progression of subject specific skills.


Our Geography and History Learning Journeys are broken down into concepts and the concepts are tracked across the curriculum.  See below for an example of the links that we make.



Art is taught as a discrete subject using the Suffolk Art Scheme.



Computing is taught as a discrete subject using the Keychain Computing Curriculum.


Design Technology

Design Technology is taught as a discrete subject using the DT Association Projects on a Page.



French is taught as a discrete subject using the MAT French Curriculum.


Geography is one of our curriculum drivers.



History is one of our curriculum drivers.



Music is taught as a discrete subject using the Music Express Curriculum.



PE is taught as a discrete subject using the Cambridge Scheme of Work



PHSE is taught as a discrete subject using the PSHE Association Curriculum.


RE is taught as a discrete subject using the Emmanuel Project.


Science is taught as a discrete subject using Plan-it.


RSHE is taught as a discrete subject using the Christopher Winter Project.



Early Reading and Phonics:

At Long Melford we use Little Wandle Letters and Sounds as our Phonic programme. 

Click below for an overview of Phonics at our school.



At Long Melford we are a Maths Mastery School.  We are working with the Angles Maths Hub and are part of the NCETM Number Mastery Programme.

We are also working with York University as part of the TEEMUP Research.

Click on the document below for an overview of Maths at our school.


At Long Melford we have been looking at our Science provision.  The whole school community (pupils, staff and governors) have worked together to develop a Vision for Science at our school.

To see our Science Vision, please click on the document below.

Curriculum Enrichment Passport:

As part of our curriculum work across the MAT, we wanted to ensure that within our schools, all children had the same opportunity to take part in a range of common experiences. 

Please click on the document below for information about our MAT Curriculum Enrichment Passports.


The activities have been divided between the classes.  Click on the phases to see their Curriculum Enrichment Passports.

Our curriculum is based on the DfE National Curriculum documents.
