
Long Melford Church of England Primary School

Include, Achieve, Care


Local Governing Body

Long Melford CE Primary School is part of the Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Multi Academy Trust. It joined the MAT on 1st September 2016 - to access the Supplemental Finance Agreement, which is the legal agreement between the Department for Education and the Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Multi Academy Trust on which the school converted to an academy, see below.

The trust contains a growing number of schools each of which is run by their own Local Governing Body (LGB).  The LGB has powers delegated to them by the Multi Academy Trust board - to access the Scheme of Delegation, which is the legal agreement between the Multi Academy Trust and the Local Governing Body see below.

The Local Governing Body works with the Head Teacher, School Leaders and the MAT Board to ensure pupils get the best education the school can provide.


Composition of the Local Governing Body

The Local Governing Body is made up of 9 members:

•Two Parent Governors - elected by parents, approved by the MAT

•One Staff representative - elected by school staff, approved by the MAT

•Four Diocesan Governors – appointed by the MAT, one of whom is recommended by the Parochial Church Council. (PCC)

•Additional Governors – appointed by the MAT for specific reasons/terms of office. For example to give additional capacity or knowledge to the Local Governing Body.

•The Headteacher and Incumbent (Vicar) are ex-officio which means they are members of the Governing Body because of the positions they hold within the school and community.


Responsibilities of the Local Governing Body

The Governing Body of a school is responsible for ensuring that it is              

run to promote pupil achievement. Its duties include:

•Setting the school’s strategic direction, objectives and policies.

•Approving the school budget and ensuring the school spends its funds taking regard of the MAT financial regulations and procedures.

•Reviewing progress against the school's strategic direction, objectives, and budget.

•Providing challenge and support to the Head Teacher and School Leaders



Parents are welcome to read the non-confidential minutes of Local Governing Body Meetings, they are available from the School Office.

The Local Governing Body meets every six weeks so the school does not have any committees.  The Governors are expected to visit the school in order to monitor school improvement between meetings.


Local Governing Body September 2024



– Mrs Cheryl Morgan


– Mrs Amanda Woolmer


– Rev’d Matthew Lawson

Diocesan Governors    

- Mr John Watts (Vice-Chair)

- Mr David Walters

- Mr Andrew Blit

Parent Governors           

- Ms Katherine Cass

- Ms Abi Osborne

Staff Governor              

- Mr Matthew Vale-Smith


The LGB can be contacted via the school office:

The Chair of Governors, Cheryl Morgan can be contacted through or through the school office.
